Introduction Wheat is the most utilized cereal for human consumption as compared to rye and barley. Clinical...
October 04, 2024 3 min read
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She is investigating the impact of two key factors: the invasive aphid species Metopolophium festucae cerealium and...
Both Stratégie Grains and Coceral predict an 11% larger soft wheat (exc. Durum) crop for the EU-27...
1 Introduction Enhanced weathering (EW) of silicate rocks has been proposed as a negative emission technology (NET)...
This wheat crop planted for grain is about to be cut for hay in SA’s Freeling district....
Beneficial glycaemic effects of high-amylose barley bread compared to wheat bread in type 2 diabetes

Beneficial glycaemic effects of high-amylose barley bread compared to wheat bread in type 2 diabetes
Study design The study was performed as an acute randomised, single-blinded, intervention with four test meals consisting...
Manor Lords is the latest indie sensation to take the gaming industry by storm, generating an impressive...