The premium of malting barley over the feed barley price in the UK remains under pressure. Corn Returns...
08 February 2025, UK: The wet autumn conditions across many regions of the UK have led to a protracted...
31st January 2025 Author: Aleksandra Cupriak Two years since gaining full approval for malt distilling use, the...
Budweiser is investigating the process of malting barley onboard the International Space Station. Media Credit: Space Tango...
The initial design of the CNN-Barley architecture requires adjustment to suit the specific application, image classes, problem...
Seminars North American Malting Barley Challenges and Technical Solutions Craft Brewers Conference 2024Location: Las Vegas, NevadaSpeakers: Bryan...
The malting barley premium has continued to come under pressure since it was last reported in September,...
Breeding of Al-tolerant malting barley cultivar To breed a barley cultivar with acid soil tolerance, we introduced...